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An Easy Way to Pick Books for Your 0 – 4 Year Old

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Mom reading a picture book to her toddler.

As moms, we juggle a million and one things, so when it comes down to something as simple as searching for new books for our kiddos, it isn’t hard to imagine that falling to the bottom of our to-do list, in light of everything else. 

An easy way to pick books for your 0 – 4-year-old is to have someone else help you.

But, who?

Harris County Public Library.

Have you heard of their Book Bundles service?

It’s a bundle of books, curated just for you. And it’s completely based on the criteria you choose.

Think books about anything from dinosaurs to Valentine’s Day, to Daniel Tiger, or whatever your kid is into.

Within 48 hours, the books are pulled from the shelves, and moved to the holds area, where they wait 7 days for you to pick them up.

What do you need to get started? 

Just a Harris County Public Library Card, that’s it.

Be sure you have your card number handy while you complete the form.  

Don’t have an HCPL library card?

No worries, they’re super easy to get.

Just complete the application (print-only), then take it, along with a photo ID, and proof of address, to any of their 26 branches.

Don’t live in Harris County?

No problem. You can totally still get a card. 

As for me –

I asked for Fall and Halloween books, and this is what I got –

I’m happy to see Yellow Time on this list. I checked it out last year, but I think my girl was too young for it. I’m looking forward to seeing what she thinks of it this time around.

The rest is a good mix of books based on what I asked for. And none are titles that I recognize, which is exciting.

They don’t know it yet, but they just gained a new regular. Shh! 😀

More Than Books for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers

The Book Bundle service also covers –

  • Early Readers
  • Early Chapter Books
  • Middle Grade Chapter Books 
  • Children’s Non-Fiction
  • Young Adult Chapter Books
  • Adult Fiction
  • Adult Non-Fiction
  • Magazines 
  • DVDs

No more searching for books for just the right books your kiddo, trying to find books while they’re in the library with you (whew!), or wanting to find books for them but can’t find the time.

When you say yes to book bundles, you are not only saying yes to books, but you are also saying yes to a little extra headspace, a bit of extra time, convenience, and peace of mind knowing you’ll always have new titles to read to your little.

So, what are you waiting for?

All the Best, 

P.S. Here’s that form, again.

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Mom reading a picture book to her toddler.